April 23, 2012


lolz, seriously....was that even necessary?? @@ hahaa..


April 21, 2012


shit shit shit shit shit shit shit, patho is ULTRA heavy, U-L-T-R-A---H-E-A-V-Y, how to finish, omg omg omg omg omg.......!!!!!!! ><


April 7, 2012

Week of Many Things

hey Fishy, you can do this alright? have faith in yourself.. :) you've already knew the answer long before the question was asked, it's just that you chose to keep it to yourself instead, and continued believing it, even if it's just a faint tiny ray of hope..

anyways, good luck, seriously..and remember this, no matter what happens, love, treasure yourself more than any other person in the world..it ain selfish, it's just....how it should be, naturally..well, at least from my own perspective, but..just think about it alright?

and mum..get well soon k?


April 5, 2012


sever all communications, i need time to think...

btw, am loving this song by some malaysian-indonesian band called Sixth Sense, love the groovy emoness to it..thx Ein for the intro...

it's really nice, but still, nothing beats chasing cars in such moments, honestly..


April 3, 2012

i slept at 6

down and out, i need help...eyi ireith kyo, i miss you all..aih
